very light entertainment
4 November 2016
Two very impressive actors in a rather dull comedy.

A rich man rents a family to learn how having a family "feels". He - unsurprisingly - finds out that family life can be rather loud and chaotic. Thus, he has to find a way to deal with it - by leaving or not.

Conventionally this is the point where you, as the reader, are invited to "see for yourself". And since I'm not including a spoiler, I'm not doing otherwise. It's just ... that a person keen on watching movies, used to different plot developments and able to foresee certain happenings ... this film won't be one of the challenging and surprising ones.

It is light entertainment. Perfect for when you are exhausted but too awake to sleep. Or when your thoughts are occupied and you need an insignificant distraction. Then this movie is perfect. It entertains in a lighthearted way.

And might sadly be forgotten as quickly as you watched it. Still, it's not a movie which leaves you with the feeling of having your time wasted!

One more thing I hope you enjoy as much as I did: The soundtrack is pure pleasure! Thus, enjoy!
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