Supergator (2006 Video)
A new low for the gators of Hollywood...
14 November 2016
There is just something alluring about these creature features, where you sit and watch gargantuan sized creature waddle about and killing people. However, most of these movies tend to be rather bad. And "Supergator" was one of those movies.

First of all there was absolutely no coherent history to the story that would make it plausible in any way. It was all just too random, and mostly appeared to be made up along the way according to what whimsical thought and idea director Brian Clyde had in that exact moment.

Secondly, a creature feature needs to have proper special effects and CGI effects. "Supergator" couldn't boast with that accomplishment. No Sir, not one bit. Everything here was just laughable and really poorly animated at best. The creature, supergator or whatever we should call it, looked like something taken out from the early days of the Amiga 500 computer. It was laughable, fake and so poorly animated that you didn't buy into it for a second.

The acting in the movie was sort of adequate enough, taking into consideration the nature of the movie, and also taking into consideration the severe limitations inflicted on the acting talents in terms of script, dialogue and lack of story.

Furthermore, the sounds of the nature in this movie, such as rushing water, a waterfall, etc. was just seriously too loud. It overshadowed everything else, and actually drowned out a lot of dialogue. But hey, given the dialogue level of the movie, I guess that was actually not such a bad thing after all.

I enjoy creature features, but found nothing, absolutely nothing enjoyable in "Supergator". So take heed, and stay well clear of this 2007 movie. It's feeble bite will not even leave a dent on your skin.

"Supergator" scores a mere two out of ten stars here, and even then I am feeling kind of generous.
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