Call it an Allegory, Prediction, Warning, or Prognostication . . .
22 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . it all amounts to the same thing: Warner Bros.' Looney Tune THE LION'S BUSY stars Leo the Brave Lion as Barack Obama and Beaky the Clownish Buzzard as Donald J. Rump. The latter was the last to admit that Barack's Pop was NOT an African-American, or even a Kenyan-American, but actually a Kenyan-Kenyan; that is, a citizen of a nation whose Animal of State is the Noble Lion. However, Barack could be elected U.S. President TWICE (both times with an Honest majority of the votes, to boot) because his Ma was English! Naturally, Warner's Kenyan Lion speaks with an English accent! Throughout THE LION'S BUSY, Beaky the Rump Buzzard is trying to eat Leo ALIVE. First, Beaky drives away all the members of Leo's BIRTHDAY Party with his "Birther" nonsense (0:57). Next, Beaky crams Leo into a skillet (2:47), signifying Rump's offer to buy Barack's 2012 Electoral College Voters if they'd just switch to his Rich People's Party. At 3:49 Beaky greases Barack's Legacy Staff, denoting Rump's Plot to steal the vacant U.S. Supreme Court Seat. Finally, Beaky chops down Barack's Totem Pole of American Greatness (4:51), which Warner Editorializes upon by portraying a dazed Leo with Patriotic Red, White, and Blue eyeballs. In a final Act of Heroism, Leo the Barack Lion lures Beaky the America-Killing Buzzard to the Moon in his final appearance ever in the Looney Tunes Universe. Clearly, Warner is suggesting that Barack is the only American strong enough to take Rump down.
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