My Führer (2007)
Worth seeing for how different and unique it all is
25 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Mein Führer - Die wirklich wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler" or "Mein Führer: The Truly Truest Truth About Adolf Hitler" or just "My Führer" is a German German-language movie from 2007, so only a couple more weeks and this one will have its 10th anniversary. The writer and director of this 90-minute film is Swiss filmmaker Dani Levy. The title already tells you what to expect here. Or does it really. Yes it is a film about Adolf Hitler, but it is really a fictitious film that has nothing to do with reality. When I tell you that Hitler in here is played by Helge Schneider, you should already know what to expect basically. Yes there are serious moments in here like mentions of concentration camps and other stuff, but they only way to enjoy this one is really only if you see it as a comedy for the most part. It is mostly worth seeing for how absurd it all is. Hitler suffers from burnout and lacks his usual power and determination. So Goebbels gets a Jewish artist/actor out of a concentration camp so that he can revive the old spirit in Hitler. Why a Jew you wonder? They explained that in the film as well because a Jew is the only one who can really evoke true emotion in Hitler because of how much he hates them. Does it really make sense? I doubt it. But that's not a problem at all as if there is one thing this film is not trying to be, then it would be to make sense.

It is all about giving us a different fictitious take on the subject and this idea makes a lot of sense. There are so many Hitler movies that try to be all accurate and realistic, but film is always about creative fiction as well, so why is it so underrepresented when it comes to depicting historic events? This is a different perspective here and as such it is indeed very refreshing. Yes not every joke is a true winner, but that's never the case for a comedy film anyway. I found it easy to appreciate this one for what it is and there were actually some really funny scenes like the one when Hitler impersonates a dog and his dog wants to jump on him and the Nazi officer is watching. Or the ending is also pretty good. Let me just say "Heal yourself." I think they chose a good way in making fun of the Führer throughout the entire movie and to show that there is another better response to him than fighting violence and cruelty with violence and cruelty. So yes, this film definitely has a good message as well. And completely aside from the story, it cannot be ignored that this film includes actors like Groth, Noethen, Schneider, Mühe and others and that is a cast that cannot be denied its talent. I personally do not like Katja Riemann, so I am glad she had almost no screen time despite playing such an important character. Oh well, I guess Eva Braun really isn't that important at all in this film here. She does hardly play a role at all.

All in all, like I already said, it is crucial that you approach this movie with the right idea. Then I am sure you also will not find it offensive. And if you take a look at Dani Levy's own religious background and understand that he is the man in charge, then there is no reason to be offended anyway I think. I believe this film was a good satire that rarely offers greatness, but gets more and more interesting the longer it goes on and has some truly hilarious scenes. People may ask if this film should be allowed and my response would be a resounding: Yes! I recommend checking it out and it's another example for me that Helge Schneider is really never a miss for me, regardless of him starring in his own movies or "only" acting. He also proved that he can easily hold his own against Germany's acting elite if he has to and I think he was a great choice for Hitler here. I am of course a bit biased when it comes to Schneider. But still, this movie was a hilarious watch, also very essential with this runtime and never drags, probably closer to a ****/***** than a **/***** for me and you really need to check it out.
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