The Persecuted Young Scientist .
9 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'd love to notify you that the opinions i'm going to give are based in what i've seen in the movie , and has nothing to do with the real story of Grahm , Now first of all I'd like to object to the name of the movie , not because The young Grahm wasn't a poisoner , No , but because he wasn't an evil poisoner from the beginning ,he became one because of his oppressive surrounding ,Particulary his family and his friends , As a young child he had passion for chemistry and this passion continued until a rough time in his life when his experiment hasn't worked as he wanted , and what made it worse for him is his step-mother accused him of owning and hiding a nude magazines that wasn't for him , actually they were his dads , she burned all his valuable stuff and she told him "You contaminate anything you touch" , so what product do you expect after this treatment? A good-natured person ! , and all what he has done afterwards what might be considered as malevolent acts , all because he though it's the only way to keep up his scientific researches , and you will see that he chose the people who stand against his way toward success , in other words all he was trying to do is to get rid of the obstructions that prevent him from creating his diamond , but he did it in his own way , when you concentrate on the way he killed his victims , i mean by thallium , and you find that it was colorless ,tasteless , odorless , untraceable , it's like he was referring to the diamond but in indirect way, that what makes the movie besides it's an autobiographical movie , A mystery movie , and i want to address main point in the plot which is the misuse of the term 'psychopath' i think he wasn't a real psychopath , he was a sociopath as the story goes on , we see that Grahm has sympathy toward some people , he actually chose his victims , and the psychopathic thoughts he had was inspired by the comic he was reading , Finally i like to share with you a real , true, sad , quote that he said when he succeeded in creating the diamond in the prison ,"I cried a real tears, torrents and torrents of them , tears to the rotten world who made me this way" .
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