It looks like a turtle...?
27 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Forget the fact that this is another modern Lifetime movie with a so-perfect-it's-fake Stepford mom and daughter duet, but who the heck wrote the script for this? Typical, predictable, the same tired old internet safety themes that no teenager takes seriously anymore because we've been drilling it into kids' heads for over a decade now... look, we all get the point, nothing ever good comes out of sexting. It's a dumb and childish behavior. But c'mon, about a day after her boyfriend posts them up on his "revenge porn" site (wasn't that a fad over seven years ago?), she has men crawling out of the woodwork, including her next-door middle-aged neighbor, hoping to get it on with her? Isn't that just the least bit unrealistic? Oh, and get this: somebody sends her a photo of their... uh, their manhood... and her remark is, "ooh! It looks like a turtle!" Her mother, oddly enough the sudden expert, refers to it as a "dick pic"...

Uh, yeah, somewhere along the way I must've missed out on cases in the world where perverts are seriously willing to take internet trolling and cyber-bullying to this extreme. I mean, I know it happens, but not that fast and not to the point where this film gets to! This entire thing was just a ridiculous circus trying to be scary but just coming across as strangely comedic.
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