Heal Thyself/Pick a Parent/Bar None
28 January 2017
A couple of these are pretty good. First a small time burglar breaks into a museum and steals a sacred piece of quartz. It has healing powers. His big mistake is healing a hustler played by Vincent Gardenia. He takes the rock on the road and becomes a TV healer. He is actually a good man and has the good of others on his mind. Gardenia, on the other hand, manages the money and it becomes a means of filling his pockets. He cares nothing for the people. Soon there is a surprise visit which sets things in motion. The second, "Children's Zoo" is a filler episode where a little girl lives in a house with two ugly people. She gets and invitation to a children's zoo. But the place offers some interesting options. "Kentucky Rye" is actually the name of a bar. A self centered jerk gets a few bucks, gets drunk, and runs some people off the road. He ends up partying at the aforementioned watering hole. The consequences of this are really interesting. This episode is quite well filmed and has quite the message...
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