Trial & Error (2017–2018)
John Lithgow should have passed on this series regardless of what they are paying him
15 March 2017
After just watching the pilot episode and a second episode we understand that the premise of this series is that a slightly quirky Larry Henderson (John Lithgow) does not seem to be too worried that he is the prime suspect after his wife was apparently murdered and he seems to be more upset that the cable guy is late for his appointment.

So Larry Henderson is being represented by a crack pot team consisting of junior lawyer Josh Segal (Nicholas D'Agosto) who is referred to as a good lawyer because he is a north easterner (another name for someone with a heritage that rhymes with "new"). Josh is picked up at the airport by the lead investigator Dwayne Reed (Steven Boyer) who happens to be an inept former cop who was fired after shooting at his own empty police cruiser after watching it roll away in neutral which was his fault in the first place. Now this dynamic du(d)o is supported by an administrative assistant named Anne Flatch (Sherri Shepherd) who has an endless supply of ridiculous illnesses such as she cannot recognize any face five seconds after she has seen it, she laughs uncontrollably even when there is bad news being relayed, and she faints when she sees a pretty picture. I assume the writers thought that we would find Anne's idiosyncrasies funny but I barely grimaced, let alone chuckle.

Jayma Mays whose last starring TV role was in the 2009 series Glee plays assistant District Attorney Carol Anne Keane who would like nothing more to than win this murder conviction and see Larry Henderson receive a lethal dose of poison, which she states is the most humane way of ridding the world of Larry who is accused of murdering his wife, who surprisingly happened to die in a similar manner as John's first wife. Oh and as for John's reason for killing his second wife it is claimed he likes to lock lips with his male personal trainer.

In summary Trial and Error is a cross between the 1977 comedy series Soap and the 2009 comedy series Modern Family. Unfortunately the first two episodes were forgettable and I do not give this series much of a chance of being extended as long as either of the aforementioned comedy series Soap or Modern Family. I just hope John Lithgow's salary was guaranteed for the first 13 episodes which is more than I can say this series is guaranteed to make it through.

Sorry John... I can only rank this series a 5 out of 10
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