The credits say Leonard Nimoy is in it but I didn't recognize him.
25 April 2017
A couple are driving down a country road and see a bright flash,so of course they pull over to investigate. It cuts to a crazy angle shot of them and some high voltage power lines so you know those lines will have something to do with the lame plot. So they start walking into the forest(why not?) and it immediately becomes dark outside.There ends up being many times when it goes from dark to light when the camera switches angles. They find some weird dead animals and a "space ship",a senator is sent to take charge,a scientist goes inside the ship and says its just one big spiral tunnel(while you can clearly see its a big empty space inside). So the group which consists of 2 scientists,a few random girls,the senator and others,decide to search the forest in pairs,great idea. Of course they all have guns and constantly use them.They always point the guns at the ground and to the right of the person but the person dies. Two of them run into some guys from the ship,there's a little smoke and the woman goes way overboard on the fake choking.I've seen enough of these crappy movies to know that smoke means something.Just not sure what. They later go into the ship again but this time it's not just a spiral and there are people in it.The entire thing is full of smoke so you can't see how dumb it looks. This movie is only good for making fun of it.
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