Donald sure has lots of hidden hats.
8 May 2017
Donald Duck visits a modern inventions museum, where he runs into a wide range of unique machines, including a robotic butler, an automatic baby carriage and a mechanized barber and shoe-shiner. However, Donald realized that he has gotten more than he bargained for in visiting the place when the butler starts taking every hat Donald wears, the baby carriage feeds Donald too much milk and the barber doesn't quite cut Donald's hair like it was supposed to. Donald doesn't quite following directions like the "do not touch" signs at the museum and the butler taking every single hat he has hidden in his clothes; he would stick he should leave his hat off while inside the museum.

This cartoon consists of classic Donald humor, from his quacky voice to his frustrated innuendos. It's just funny seeing everything going wrong for him at the museum as the resulting mishaps pile on one after the other.

It's obvious that Donald is prone to bad luck, but they are just hilariously portrayed here!

Grade A-
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