The Twilight Zone: The Fugitive (1962)
Season 3, Episode 25
Fairy Tale, TZ Style
29 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A shape-shifting alien with magical powers seeks refuge on Earth where he befriends a needy little girl.

Charming episode, thanks to Gordon and O'Malley. She's an adorable 10-year old, while he's a big-hearted old guy who also happens to be a secret alien. Being crippled with a really mean aunt (Kulp), the little girl hangs out with the old guy who brings kindly light into her otherwise dismal life.

Okay, I can see why some folks see the results as too sweet, and I probably would too if the two leads didn't project a kind of special chemistry. There's an authentic sweetness between them that's one of the rarest emotions on the entertainment screen. Speaking of compelling actors, was there ever a more convincing shrew than Kulp—I'd love to see her have a "meanie-off" with Oz's witchy old Margaret Hamilton!

I agree with the reviewer who sees the story as a fairy tale. The kindly old man turns out to be a handsome prince, while the crippled girl is magically cured and transported with him to their fairy tale kingdom away from the witchy aunt. It's a hokey ending, but the fairy tale wouldn't be complete without it. I'm still, wondering, however, how they managed Gordon's twin who suddenly pops up; it doesn't appear trick photography though I guess it has to be. On the minus side, I could have done without that phony magic wand that's more like a rotating whisk broom.

Anyway, I can see why TZ purists might shirk the show, but I was beguiled thanks to the casting of an odd couple, TZ style.
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