The Recall (2017)
Im an active IMDb member/This Film unfairly reviewed BOTH Ways (Good and Bad)
18 June 2017
This wont be my typical review....There was just a few things I wanted to bring up about reviewers who join IMDb and review one movie, then you never hear from them again. They don't take any polls, they don't rate any movies (or very few)and seemingly it DOES appear that they are biased for one reason or another. This is why I also check the reviewers and watch for those things I just mentioned.

I do have to say tho, that this movie isn't the terrible piece of crap some reviewers are saying, and it isn't the glorious work of art that others are saying either. I just wonder if when some reviewers see that it is rated so high that they try to make up for it by rating very low. Which seems to me, just makes it even more of a big F'ed up mess.

My advice....just be careful when you read the reviews. Use common sense. Anyone that rates it a 10 and glorifies it, check their credentials (how long have they been an IMDb member, how many reviews have they done, have they rated more then 5-10 movies, have they been active (do they take polls> make lists, etc....) Reacting to these "fake" reviews by responding with not fair reviews to try and make up for it is NOT helping. Review honestly and fairly. THAT is the best way to respond.

Now, I have just started this movie, and so haven't had time to form a real strong opinion yet, but I can say, that the acting in this film is NOT bad. I have seen hundreds of B movies, independent movies with some really terrible acting and This is NOT even close to that level of Bad.

So far all I can tell you is that it is not a rated 10 movie some have reported. And it is not a 1,2, or 3 rated that others gave it.

Im a half hour in, and's not too bad. Good enough Im sticking with it the rest of the way....(score good, editing appears work/lighting/cinematography all seem whats left, a weak screenplay? OK....maybe..but so far so good in my book) Give it a look see and make up your own mind, and if you honest. Guess that's really the main point I wanted to get across. And that this movie doesn't deserve the very high or the very low reviews.
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