Warner Bros. warns U.S. of Cubs breaking World Series curse . . .
21 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . 76 years in advance with THE HARDSHIPS OF MILES STANDISH. Most of this offering from Warner's Animated Shorts Seers squad (aka, the Looney Tuners) centers around an attack by what turns out to be the Cleveland Indians upon Priscilla's Cabin at Plymouth Plantation. A close examination of this cabin reveals that there are Chicago Cubs symbols and Bric-a-Brac squirreled away in every corner of the place. When the Indians snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by breaking the only window of Priscilla's cabin, forcing them to retreat in disarray, Priscilla already has THREE arrows sticking out of her butt, symbolizing Cleveland's THREE triumphs over Chicago during the first four games of the 2016 World Series. Perceptive viewers will notice that the Indians fire 121 arrows that miss. This is the Looney Tuners' way of spelling out the Upcoming Curse of the Broken Window (at that bar where the Indians were celebrating their World Series win eight years AFTER this brief cartoon was released). Warner Bros. is warning America that these Deplorable "Indians" will not win the Series again until 2069, a Dry Spell that will break the Cubs' current record for World Championship Futility by 13 years. Who knows what the Racist "Indians" will call themselves then? After all, this bunch of chokers started out as the "Grand Rapids Rustlers" back in Michigan during the Gay '90's (1894, to be specific).
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