Real strengths and real weaknesses
14 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The good news is about the most clever dialog I've seen in a film in a very long time. The bad news is that that dialog came from the play of the same name, and the film looks very much like a play with very limited sets...cheap looking sets at that. Add in that the print seen broadcast today has not survived well and...well, it isn't the easiest film to watch.

The story is a bit interesting, although it may not sound so -- odd girl meets city architect at the Empire State Building. They fall in love. Then out of love...all in one 24 hour period. And then back in love. What's interesting about it is the very unusual girl played by Maggie McNamara. Very interesting character.

To me, McNamara is the real star here. Unfortunately, though her early career began with great promise (as sort of a down-to-earth Audrey Hepburn), she dropped out of acting, ended up as a temp typist, and committed suicide at age 49.

William Holden's role here as the love interest is good, though not remarkable. David Niven is interesting here...sort of competition in the love department, but not really. It's a bit of a subdued Niven, although Niven could give real bite to his acting...and does here. Also of interest to me is Tom Tully in a small role as the father of McNamara's competition; his next role was as the wizened skipper of the ship in "The Caine Mutiny".

Do I recommend this film? If you like clever repartee, then yes. If you like a story with a plot that moves along with different scenery, then no.
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