Some of the worst writing I have ever seen
22 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was first reluctant to see this film when my friend invited me but after seeing that it has a whopping 8.1 rating and remembering that the previous films were quite enjoyable I was prepared to see a truly good movie. I was incredibly disappointed. **SPOILERS** My first trouble with the film happened with the appearance of the little girl, who seemed to serve absolutely no purpose other than to spontaneously cause tear- jerking moments which were accompanied by sad music in every instance. Throughout the film there must have been around 10 of these, all of them completely pointless and forced. It also baffled me that she had close to 0 reaction to her father dying yet, when a gorilla who she had known for literally one day died, she wept like it was her brother. Another massive problem is that the entire plot of this movie hinges on one condition: that every single person out of the ~1,000 soldiers at the concentration camp is a complete and utter imbecile. Caesar's crew is running around right outside of the walls of the camp? Of course no one notices, why would anyone be on over-watch at a military base? All of the monkeys escape from their cages? Of course there was only one person watching over them. In addition to that, for the duration of what seemed like 10 minutes no one else even noticed that all the monkeys were gone or that the single guard watching over them was killed. Are these real soldiers!? Even statistically, what are the chances that not a single soldier looked at a cage that is in plain view from any part of the camp. These were just the most glaring issues I had with the film. So little thought went into the script. These are incredibly basic problems which could have been fixed with even the slightest effort, This movie was so incredibly dumb that even my friend who doesn't have much interest in film asked me if I wanted to leave before the film was over.
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