How Much on the Cuttingroom Floor?
28 July 2017
MIRACLE IN SOHO is an odd film, an overly romantic picture of a single street in London's Soho District in 1957. The street itself is a miniature United Nations, although here everyone gets along with everyone else, regardless of national origin (or ethnicity, for that matter, although the families of color disappear after the first scene). The plot itself doesn't surprise, which is a shame, as a different ending could have made for at least a somewhat richer film, particularly since the would-be here is basically a jerk throughout. But the biggest problem with this film is the repeated lack of follow-through on plot lines. Characters get into situations, most fairly serious, but the writers and director never wrap up those stories (poor Tom's story, for example). As the film runs 93 minutes, I can only guess that scenes would up on the cuttingroom floor. The viewer can only wonder what the denouement is for many of the secondary characters.

On the plus side, the cast itself is fairly good. Billie Whitelaw has a smallish part, and Cyril Cusack is always winning. Belinda Lee is absolutely lovely. And Johnny, the hero's rival for Lee's hand, is a young Brian Bedford, looking like he should pop into one of the era's teen musicals at any time.
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