"Eureka! I shall disguise myself as a sheep . . . "
31 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . and mingle with the flock," says the Wolf now at America's Door in this prophetic Warner Bros. warning to We USA Citizens of (The Then) Far Future to kick off this product of Warner's Animated Shorts Seers division (aka, The Looney Tuners) released 75 years ago. The devious Wolf, of course, is meant to be none other than Red Commie KGB Chief Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin's long-time Money Launderer, fraudulent "Billionaire" and White House Sock Puppet Don Juan Rump. Warner suggests that any flock of Deplorable Weak-Minded Confederate Red State Dupes gullible enough to let a Fat Cat Job-Killing Corrupt Corporate One Per Center "mingle" with them deserves a fate worse than Death. From the giddy lamb going after the wolf's dangled carrot (2:04) to the swooning "tender mutton sisters" recalling Rump's emblematic ACCE$$ H0LLYWOOD tape (3:03), these sheep do not stand a chance, nor do they deserve one. Warner's message to America's ineffectual "law" enforcement apparatus? "So long, sucker" (5:50). Deputy Dawg gets Hay-Bailed (6:50), a moment perfectly apt in foretelling Rump's firing of FBI Director James Comey (on Putin's orders, of course). THE SHEEPISH WOLF ends with ALL the flock revealing themselves to be Red Commie High Treason Quisling Traitor Fifth Columnist Fellow-Traveling Putin Wolves, amplifying Warner's frequent recommendation that ALL 100 million of these Demon-possessed Souls be stripped of their U.S. Citizenship (as was Benedict Arnold) and their assets--including guns (under America's Civil Forfeiture Statutes) before being deported forthwith to Antarctica's Larsen Ice Shelf B.
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