Leatherface (2017)
If you're a fan of these characters, stay away. Far away.
22 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Leatherface (2017) Review. Will contain spoilers so read at your discretion. I really don't know where to start with this movie. I honest to God really tried to give it a chance. I tried to give Leatherface the benefit of the doubt. Sadly I was disappointed due to a number of factors. I'll start with what I liked because there isn't that much to cover. I enjoyed how they recreated the farmhouse. I think it's cool anytime we get to revisit the Sawyer farm. I'm happy that they were able to tie elements of 3D into this movie with the inclusion of Verna Sawyer Carson, her lawyer Farnsworth, and Leatherface keeping the name Jedidiah. It was neat to see the original Sawyer Clan again and I thought we'd see more of them. That being said, the few positive factors did not save this movie for me. Leatherface turned out to be the skinny kid that was talking as a teenager. I could possibly see Leatherface being skinny in his teenage years but he absolutely does not talk. Maybe he talked a little as a child but at the age he was at during the majority of the movie he shouldn't have been able to talk. Leatherface is not a cliché buff slasher, he is a large heavy set guy. If you want to make Leatherface skinny that's one thing but don't put him right next to someone with the exact same looks, and mannerisms that Leatherface should have. It's not a neat twist, it's a "fuck you" to the fans. Possibly the worst thing they did is say he wears the mask due to a facial disfigurement. Saying that a killer wears a mask because of a disfigurement is the laziest backstory ever! I have given credit where credit is due. It was neat seeing Leatherface come out of the basement with his chainsaw brutally killing Hartman. The classic chase through the woods with the chainsaw was lazy and played out and was not satisfying at all. Despite the cool nods to the original I don't think it's worth the watch. It is absolutely the worst film in the franchise (I don't count the remakes) This movie was unnecessary and absolutely lacking in character development. It's a desperate attempt to make a profit doing what they want with only some nods to the original to keep it somewhat afloat. I'm very disappointed because I don't see the franchise bouncing back from this atrocity unless they do a sequel to 3D. I wanted to enjoy any Leatherface movie but I just couldn't enjoy this one. 3 out of 10. Not worth the watch. Spare yourselves the disappointment.
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