Silly squared
31 October 2017
"Wicked, wicked" is a gimmick movie, so I had low expectations and was not disappointed. As a moderately graphic slasher movie from the early '70s, the film was OK, with a sufficiently creepy killer whose motive was surprisingly disturbing for the era (and rating). The split-screen gimmick ("Duo-vision") was distracting and didn't add anything to the movie other than making it a novelty item (and therefore earning it a place on some people's 'life-lists'), and for the most part, the acting was weak to amateur (and exception being Arthur O'Connell's not particularly challenging Maintenance Engineer character). Presumably intended to be a 'horror comedy', there are odd interludes throughout (such as the woman playing the organ) and the film really starts to go off the rails toward the end with the 'sex in the presidential suite montage'. To some extent, "Wicked, wicked" has achieved cult status, so will always find viewers but most people would likely consider it a time-waster at best. As a survivor of the '70's, I can attest to the accuracy of the most frightening aspect of the movie: the Godawful proto-disco fashion and hair styles.
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