Let There Be Light (I) (2017)
Hilariously Awful
7 November 2017
Chock full of the favorite myths of Christians about non-Christians, this groaner just serves to preach to the already bloated egos of its choir. The plot is boring and predictable, the main character a laughable caricature, and the writing falls right in with the current political climate in encouraging people to give in to hate and fear of the "other". That the acting is so poor is almost forgivable considering the script. Among the ridiculous straw men: atheist who is really just a misotheist who "hates god" after a personal tragedy, atheist who converts on deathbed, atheist who cares only about drinking and partying and mocking people, atheist who somehow magically discards all reason for mythical thinking with no impetus whatsoever. I'd find it absurd if so many Christians didn't actually believe this rubbish.
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