Worst film in modern times
11 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly I feel very mislead when buying this DVD. Plastered all over the cover that it's award winning producer of Game of Thrones etc.It isn't. The film maker is the producer of the shows son and so is no affiliation to those shows. After careful inspection it doesn't say from award winning producer..

Secondly, the poor CGI and BAD acting. It ruins everything about it. It sways from well spoken to common language. Very irritating. Just avoid it or rinse your eyes with bleach afterwards.

Finally,so we didn't feel robbed of the price, we treated it as a comedy trying to spot historical and physical errors. Like modern interiors of a medieval castle, in a scene a knight rips a tree from the ground, once lifted its flat and has no roots. The play- dough Dragon that graces us with it's presence. There is more, but I won't spoil in case you do end up watching.
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