Slick vampire hunting mayhem with a certain generic feel
25 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
TSUI HARK'S VAMPIRE HUNTERS is very much a film of the 2000s, an update of the classic MR VAMPIRE genre of filmmaking but updated to the new millennium with slick visuals, heaps of dry ice, and some basic computer effects to depict the movement of the undead. The light storyline has a bunch of vampire hunters touring around and battling evil, but these guys are a bland and faceless group, with only the reliable Lam Suet standing out. The story itself is barely discernible, although there's plenty of corpse-hopping mayhem staged throughout. I found it all a little slight and irrelevant, lacking the character of the '80s productions, and failing to impress in the action stakes. Cast-wise, the best actors are the old-timers in support: Rongguang Yu as an ally, Shaw Brothers legend Chen Kuan Tai as a corpse master who gets way too little screen time.
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