Twist (1992)
It's A Blast From The Past!
30 November 2017
One. Two. Cha-Cha-Cha.

(*Lyrics excerpt*) - "We gotta whole lotta shaking going on!"

If you are at all interested in the roots of rock'n'roll, the evolution of the American/Canadian youth culture, and the insane dance crazes that literally swept all across these 2 nations from 1953-1964 - Then - Believe me - "The Twist" is certainly your #1 ticket to a real rollicking roller-coaster ride of absolute fun from start to finish.

Without question - This pop-culture documentary (impressively directed by Ron Mann) is a total blast from the past. And I, personally, welcome you to sit back and view this lively, toe-tapping presentation that was produced back in 1992.

And, with that - You be the judge of the direction that Canadian/American youth culture took in its formative years, prior to the inevitable "British Invasion".
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