A decent, feel-good movie and best of all, it's true.
7 February 2018
Wow - if anyone needed confirmation many US inner city urban areas resemble war zones worse than those found in Third World cities they should watch this movie!

And it's a movie worth watching. Sure, it's cliched and predictable but does that matter ... not really because it's based on a true story (Hollywood style).

Swank is an idealist teacher who takes 'at risk' students and turns them into scholars with a quest for learning and, more importantly, for doing the right thing simply because it is the right thing. The movie also illustrates the impact a good teacher has in shaping a human's outlook of the world.

Despite being slightly on the longer side - over two hours - I didn't glance at my watch even once. It's a decent, feel-good movie. Best of all, it's true.
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