Not what you'd expect, but much more...
17 February 2018
I had to come and put a review on here because I really like this movie and I hope more people that will appreciate it will get to see it.

It's not the typical expected horror film, but instead uses horror elements and psychedelic sci-fi elements as a framework to delve deep into the mind. The film cuts between the present, the past, memories of the characters, and their visualizations.

My friend and I watched it and had totally different reactions. I loved it and thought it was fresh and original and entrancing. He was expecting more of a straightforward horror and thought it was confusing and basically hated it. I was able to get him to slightly come around so I'm pretty proud of that!

So, it seems to definitely be a love it or hate it movie.

Here's why I was on the "love it" side:

  • It's original, which is becoming exceedingly rare, especially with dime-a-dozen horror films where everything feels like a throwback to something else. I genuinely did not know what was going to happen and was taken on a pretty intense ride. There's also a moral to the story that all comes together at the end and was uplifting.

  • It's psychedelic. It's got really cool shots and intercutting, there are a lot of cool trippy colors and editing tricks that take you on a ride. I really enjoyed all of the weird and intense places the movie took me that I didn't expect.

  • I understand that it's one of these super low budget indies, so I'm forgiving of imperfections. There are a times when the lighting is a little wonky or something is a bit off, and there are time jumps where one character is supposed to be young, but is still played by the same actor. Stuff like that would be unacceptable in a bigger movie, but I give these smaller movies a pass on stuff like that. Some things actually look really good for the budget and the acting is much better than a lot of horror movies.

I'd definitely recommend to watch it as it's not something you'll see anywhere else. I'd be curious to see the if the film develops a cult following because it definitely feels like that kind of vibe.
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