The woes of Whitney
20 February 2018
I've never been a fan of Whitney Houston and would probably admit that my least favourite song of all time is her nostrils-flaring, overblown version of Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You". In my opinion too she also helped usher in a whole train of over-singing, pretentious divas like Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Britney Spears et.al whose too-perfect voices exhibit all the emotion and soul of a fridge. But you don't have to be a fan to be interested in her tragic life story, which like other pop icons of the era, like George Michael, Prince and Michael Jackson saw her life end way too early.

This documentary purports to tell her life story as she's groomed from being the talented young daughter of tough-mum, gospel singer Cissy Houston and her doting dad into the all-conquering pop star of the mid 80's with an entourage that would put Elvis Presley to shame. Inevitably and sadly, it seems clear to me that these self-interested hangers-on, including her temperamental party-loving husband, R and B singer Bobby Brown, childhood best friend and P.A. Robyn and by the end, even her old dad are clearly milking Whitney the cash cow for all they can get even while professing undying love and devotion to her. With friends like these, as the saying goes...

Houston herself comes off as a talented kid flung into superstardom too early, struggling to cope with, as she says herself, the fame that it brings. It certainly doesn't help that none of her nearest and dearest, from her unnaturally cold mother, to bad-influence hubby Brown seem to either know or care that she's spiralling downwards out of control and even the presence of her young daughter Bobbi, whose life also ended in similarly tragic circumstances a few years later, couldn't turn Whitney round.

Much of the film footage seems to derive from an access-all-areas tour of the singer's in 1999, still a long time from her eventual death in 2012, but even then the signs of strain and her addiction to drugs are becoming evident. It's sad to compare the wide-eyed stardom of the still-clean young girl just embracing stardom with her much older run-down later self trying to cope with her own life style. For me the most shocking image was that of the detritus of the drug-taking paraphernalia in the dressing room of the hotel room where she died in her bathtub. Naturally everybody here only has words of adoration for her singing ability with one of her acolytes equating her voice to being like "God in the room" and yet she struggled to gain acceptance from her black audience who considered her sound too pop, by which of course they mean too white - as witness their booing of her at an awards ceremony, prompting her to go more R and B with future albums which failed to hit the commercial heights of her earlier releases.

As the demises of the other superstars mentioned above makes only too clear, it truly does seem to be lonely at the very top and even if I left this movie appreciating Whitney Houston's music not one bit more, I certainly felt some sympathy for the waste of a young talent, long before its time.
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