America during the Early 1930s was a Land of . . .
22 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Haves and Have-Nots. BEDTIME WORRIES was released by MGM (aka, The Millionaires' Movie Studio) at the height of the Great Depression. At this sad time, BEDTIME WORRIES for normal people included whether or not they would freeze to death overnight because they could not pay for heat, or how many of their dear kiddies would expire from starvation before dawn since there was no money for food, and they had not yet eaten this week. However, the honchos at MGM felt that it would be a hilarious hoot to film a dad complaining eight minutes into BEDTIME WORRIES about his burdensome chore of having to carve up a giant roast every supper time. Also, wouldn't it be Great Fun to picture this slab of beef (easily outweighing the protein allotment an average U.S. family of six was permitted to consume in a month) flying off the dinner table onto the floor for Petey the Pup?! Like many if not most "Our Gang" episodes, BEDTIME WORRIES is totally out-of-touch with its times. Folks who claim to be puzzled by how Today's North Korean populace can be hoodwinked by its national media for so long only need to look at MGM's output during the 1900s to see the template being etched for such mass Bamboozlement.
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