Transferts (2017– )
Weird French speculative fiction.
25 February 2018
I looked this up on SBS steaming as a way of practising French (of which I have a better than working knowledge). It is just enough into the future to be the recognizable present. Indeed a future less changed than in the 20 years since I first used a mobile phone. What makes this a stand out is the ramifications of a world with the ability to transfer bodies and minds. It sets out as a cop story 'historie de flic', but is so much more. Personal and political corruption is widespread, and so is religious, a fact seldom mentioned in modern movies, particularly when the religion is christian. Lots of French sex and nudity, I'm getting too old to be shocked or worse, interested, LOL. But be warned. It is complex, interesting and totally believable, in part because the actors are unknown to us in Australia. If it was Brad Pitt and Angelina or other well known face, this might just be 'science-fiction'. It is so very much more.
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