Not bad at all . Ignore these 2 saur pickles'review here.
10 March 2018
I bought the BluRay real cheap and did not know what to expect. I am a very critic when it comes to movies but as soon watchers start to complain about a movie being predictable I can assure you , these people can't even point out why a movie is NOT predictable ....They are so easily debunked . And the vast majority of movies are predictable and thus actually boring! Depends on old you are and how many movies one had seen also .

The graphics in this movie are great actually, I've seen hollywood 'blockbusters' with lesser graphics and no one was complaining about this in these movies

I suspect prejudice , that is all.

How the story begins indeed is strange, you get launched directly into 'the game', with a thin explanation during the movie , all the info is there , but you need to watch the movie instead of just 'looking ' at it. Was this done a bit different I would give this movie even a 7 out of 10 , satisfying movies for me always get a 6 and I seldom judge a movie into the 8 category.
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