Camino (2015)
All life is a journey to the center
25 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In 1985, Avery (Zoë Bell) is an award winning photojournalist whose personal life appears to be a mess from what little we see. She accepts an assignment filming rebels in Columbia. The army consists of about 6 people lead by a general...just go with it. After 30 minutes, the film hits a boredom factor, then an incident happens where Avery becomes hunted by the rebels she was filming. Zoe must use everything but her feminine charms to survive, although some background on her survival skills, other than one workout, would have been good.

Like so most action films, it doesn't deviate from successful formulas and can't develop a good twist. I am sure Zoe bell fans who like to see her bloody and beat up will love the film, but her physical fighting skills were left mostly on the table, i..e. had they been developed earlier, in just one scene, they could of had her do more exciting stuff other than lay on the ground and get beat and her head banged against rocks.

Guide: F-word. Near Rape. No nudity.

Theme spoiler: There is a running dialogue about the spiral. In ancient times the spiral or maze represented the umbilical cord and motherhood, i.e. life. In this film it represents our common journey to the center, which is death. Hence the title CAMINO. Clearly the theme was deeper and better thought out than the plot.
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