Ali Wong: Baby Cobra (2016 TV Special)
Saved by her expressive character
20 May 2018
Stand up comedy is not solely a man's terrain. There are brave ones , like Ali who muster the nerves to still perform despite, the preggy belly. Before you start watching this show, leave your preferences outside the door because there are some moments which are genuinely funny. Her material on this special has elements that only an Asian person will understand at times, and not because it is meant to be racist, but stating matter of factly how it is with the clannish culture , too close for comfort attitude of many Asian families. She falls flat on sustaining the fun at times but as a viewer you tend to forgive her because she makes up on the unfunny by pulling out her funny face and movements all the time. That's a lot of energy to give, six points goes to her for that.
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