Ali Wong: Baby Cobra (2016 TV Special)
Ali's sexual adventures... Wait, what?...
9 June 2018
"Baby Cobra" was the first time that I got introduced to Ali Wong. I didn't even know about her prior to finding this stand-up special on Netflix.

Ali Wong does have some good jokes throughout the course of this stand-up show, and she does manage to set up her jokes quite well. She delivers the punchlines to the jokes nicely as well.

It is nice that she is not afraid to say things as they are, and she does take lighthearted jabs at racial stereotypes. She is not afraid to make jokes on her own heritage, which also turned out quite hilarious.

Ali Wong is actually a rather fun and entertaining woman, and I was definitely genuinely entertained with this show, and I had some really great laughs along the way from her performance and her jokes.

So if you enjoy stand-up comedy, then I think Ali Wong is one of the women that you should find it hard to miss. No puns intended. She is definitely a name to remember.
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