Review of Blood Ties

Blood Ties (2007)
Terrible... terribly good.
10 June 2018
I missed the boat on this one and just started watching it on DVD and am about 5 episodes into season one. I find this show delightfully entertaining and yet cringe worthy all at the same time. This is defiantly one of those shows that is so bad it circles right back around to good again. The story lines are very unique and should be ridiculous but aren't... a teddy bear that kills? Come on! Sounds stupid but isn't.

They managed to find THE WORST actors to play the bit parts, I mean just terrible! It was awfully nice though of the show runners to give them a chance, I guess. The chemistry between the vampire and the PI just isn't there but it's all acted well. Throw in a few cheesy lines and some random foot massages and you've a terribly awesome show.

All in all a fun way to spend a lazy Sunday.

I'm going to read the books next and am fairly certain it will make more sense there although, I bet if this show was done now with a bigger budget and better special effects it'd do well... if most people weren't experiencing vampire/buddy cop fatigue that is.
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