a tear jerker in a good way
20 June 2018
I have read this epic novel, awarded by Nobel prize, and watched it put to screen by different regimes. I think so far this is the best adaptation. It mixes extremely well the private life melodrama and horrors of civil war in the Cossak area of the Don river in the period of 1910-1920. At first you are involved in petty melodrama of love lines of the Melekhov Cossak family, but as episodes pile on, you can't take your eyes away from the enveloping drama. I am not of the crying type, and I have been crying aloud during the last several eps. All praise to Sergey Ursuljak, the famous Russian director and to some leading actors, whom at first I thought were not capable to play this drama. Just watch and feel the anvil of history pressing on these men and women and appreciate the Russian tv series that are qualitative and keeping close to the original of the great book.
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