24 June 2018
A blind playwright, Phillip Hannon, is sitting in a pub when he overhears a suspicious conversation. The two people in the next booth appear to be plotting a crime. Hannon informs the police but they are convinced his suspicions are merely due to the workings of his dramatical mind. Undeterred, he sets out to work out the mystery himself. However, this puts his own life in danger.

Mildly interesting. The main plot has a Hitchcockian feel to it, reinforced by it resembling Rear Window but with a blind man instead of a man unable to walk. (Interestingly, Rear Window was released only two years previously). Unfortunately, that's where any resemblance to an Alfred Hitchcock drama ends.

While there is some intrigue, there is little tension, as director Henry Hathaway just lets things go on without upping the pace or creating any real sense of danger. The plot is far from watertight, highlighted by a final twist that, while unforeseen, doesn't entirely make sense.

This said, it is intriguing enough to not be a total waste of time.
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