Review of Ma' Rosa

Ma' Rosa (2016)
A stark glimpse into the life of a family
21 July 2018
I just watched this on Popcorn films and really "enjoyed" it. I put that in quotes because it's kind of a gripping drama, it's not a nice sweet feel-good. But it's also not sappy and over-the-top, doesn't feel deliberate or pushed at all. It reads almost like a documentary (as another reviewer said), with its candid acting and "unsteadicam" cinematography. This role won Best Actress at Cannes 2016 for Jaclyn Jose, in the leading role here.

Spoiler alert on the blog; it doesn't give it all away, but anyway, knowing what the story is about doesn't really spoil it. You need to see it happen.

The naturally unfolding pace of the film is frustrating to some (another review), but it's really just a slice-of-life capture, that unfolds in its own time. I liked it enough that I'm looking for other films by the director and some of the cast.
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