Review of Limbo

Limbo (2010 Video Game)
Very atmospheric game, loses some luster near the end
25 July 2018
I had seen photos and videos of this game and thought that it would be fun to play. A bit of a platform game with some puzzles to solve. I ended up getting it on the PS4 system and I will say that I enjoyed the game, but at a certain point in the game it just stopped being as fun and atmospheric as the beginnings. Basically, when you got out of the woods and into the industrial type setting, the game just lost some of what made it so entertaining in the earlier stages.

The story, from what everyone seems to deduce has a boy waking up in the middle of a creepy forest. They then speculate that he is hunting for his sister, though not sure why it could not be his girlfriend or just a friend rather than a sister. The world he awakens in, is one of quiet and eeriness. It is also one filled with danger as there are traps and other obstacles to overcome in this nightmarish landscape!

The game play is basically a side scroll game with puzzles to figure out to get through the many obstacles present in the game. You can jump, pull things, push things and activate things. It was really entertaining during the stages when you had to get by spiders and such, but once again, the game just kind of lost its magic when you were in the world simply activating gravity plates that just did not seem to fit the motif of this world that had been created.

So, not my favorite game ever, but it had its moments. If only the game play had been more like the first portion of the game throughout I would have rated it higher. Figuring out that you could rip a spider leg off then roll the spider was just more interesting than activate this thing to make crate fall in right spot. I am wondering if these stages I am complaining about are all just add on stages for the PS4 as the original Xbox 360 version only had 24 stages while this had 39 so it may be a cause of them lengthening the game, but not really putting much effort into the stages and puzzles as they had originally done.
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