Plenty tough...just not 100% sure what it was trying to say.
25 July 2018
"The Thin Red Line" is a decent war film. My only serious complaint is that I wasn't quite sure what the story was trying to say...if anything.

The story is set during WWII and some marines are aboard a transport ship heading to Guadalcanal, one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the war. The story focuses on Pvt. Doll (Keir Dullea) and his seemingly sadistic Sergeant (Jack Warden). The story is extremely violent for 1964--with many scenes that would be tough on the squeamish.

What I liked about the film was how savage the fighting was. Unlike many more sanitized war pictures, this one really didn't clean it up too much. What I didn't like was the odd message as well as the fact the place looked nothing like the tropical locale it was supposed to be--with dry cliffs and trees you'd find in a much different climate. In addition, Doll's wife looks like a woman of 1964--not 1942. Overall, worth seeing...but odd they didn't take more pains to get some of the details right.
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