Give it a chance
26 July 2018
If you're looking for a fun time at the movies and don't want a plot quite as intense as mission impossible, I suggest you check this out. The irreverent humor and many references will keep even the most avid cynic of this show intrigued. What this movie has that too many adult comedies lack is a heart. I was genuinely surprised that I actually cared about Robin's ups and downs throughout the movie due to the surprisingly well-written story. Yes, the movie has the occasional fart joke, but it's not overdone. In fact, the movie is quite aware that those types of jokes aren't for everyone, so it often utilizes them to make fun of itself. It is at times a little predictable, but it has enough going for it that makes the story thematically consistent. It even references it's own cliches and predictableness in a funny way. My only main complaint is the pacing. I think the main reason for this is that the story appears to have its conflict resolve, and it takes awhile for the story to pick up steam again. Comedies can often get overly cynical, but this movie looks to appeal to the heart of the fanboy and dreamer in all of us and accomplishes it. Even if you don't like the movie, I suggest you stick around for the end credits scene because it's got something older fans can get excited for.
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