Lust Connection (2005 TV Movie)
Fun Sexploitation Film
9 August 2018
Lust Connection (2005)

*** (out of 4)

Rick (Frank Harper) is married to a beautiful, big-breasted woman but she's just not quite enough for him so he's constantly in adult chat rooms picking up other beautiful women. One day his wife is murdered and he's the prime suspect so he tries to uncover who might have actually done the crime.

LUST CONNECTION from Jim Wynorski is certainly one of the better sexploitation titles out there. Wynorski made this under his H.R. Blueberry name and for the most part this is wall-to-wall with sex as well as an actual story to go along with all of that. Typically these films just deliver all sex and not enough story or too much story and not enough sex but I think the cult director found the perfect mix here.

Of course, the mystery of who killed the wife shouldn't have people expecting the work of Alfred Hitchcock because, after all, this is still a low-budget movie that was meant to play Cinemax at three in the morning. With that being said, I thought the story here was better than you typically get with these types of movies so that was a plus. The biggest plus was the fact that there were all sorts of beautiful women who are of course naked throughout.

The sex scenes were quite good and there's no doubt that Wynorski knows what the viewer wants and he delivers it. Harper, the actor, and his character are certainly very lucky as he gets to do the action with all of the ladies so I'm sure he was quite happy on the set throughout the shoot. Clori-Anne Gilbert, Chasey Lain, Monique Parents and Julie K. Smith are just a few of the ladies on hand here.

Again, if you're watching this film then I'm sure you know what you're getting into. This certainly isn't CITIZEN KANE but it's a fun sexploitation film and one that is very much worth watching if you're a fan of the director.
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