Review of Victim

Victim (1999)
Tedious and confusing
25 August 2018
"Victim" is an awkward mix of a supernatural theme with a Hong Kong crime thriller.

In its opening scene, a van drives through a garage running over a person or two. This is apparently a kidnapping, though it looked more like vehicular manslaughter. The person who has been taken is played by Lay Ching Wan, an excellent, intense actor. He is later discovered in an office building, tied up upside down, in a scene reminiscent of "Evil Dead Trap"... except this isn't a horror movie. Or is it?

The Lau Ching Wan character ("Manson") begins to act very strangely, with some violent and angry outbursts. The police take up residence at his house, which is strange. You'd think they'd send him off for psychiatric evaluation, no?

There are some other twists and turns, revealing more crime-related nonsense, but by that point I was well past caring. The movie has no cohesive tone, and the horror movie aspect feels like a bizarre after thought.
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