Book Club (I) (2018)
If This Were a Graph It Would Be a Straight Line
9 September 2018
With such a stellar cast of favorites from my own generation, I expected this movie to be enjoyable. It wasn't! It was like watching an operation where the patient flatlines. I kept looking at the clock and wishing it was over.

I just adore Jane Fonda, and her show Grace & Frankie is one that I always find funny and unpredictable, and that I can hardly wait for the next episode of. Unfortunately, such was not the case with Book Club. There was nothing fresh or exciting about it in the least. I wonder if it was written in a hurry, or by a novice. I am not hard to please when it comes to movies; it has to be really dull for me to want it to hurry up and end. A lot of people said they laughed all thru it; makes me wonder if they have been living in a cave where they had few opportunities to watch a film.

The only redeeming aspect of this film, for me, was getting to see Fonda, Bergen, Keaton, Garcia, and Don Johnson (holy shades of pastel, he's aged well!); It's not their fault that the story was about as interesting as a trip to the grocery store.
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