No relation to the Creature From The Black Lagoon.
23 September 2018
Pahoo (Dennis Fimple) and Rives (John David Carson), students at the University of Chicago, travel to the small town of Oil City, Louisiana to try and find the bigfoot-type creature rumoured to inhabit the local swamps.

Eschewing the pseudo-documentary style of fellow bigfoot flicks The Legend of Boggy Creek (1972) and Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot (1976), Creature From Black Lake is routine drive-in fare with no pretensions: it's aim is to entertain, its pair of affable students providing an hour of lukewarm levity before the film gets down to delivering the sasquatch scares, which it does with varying degrees of success, depending on how much of the manky monkey suit is shown.

Grizzled character actor Jack Elam adds fun to proceedings as drunken trapper Joe Canton, and the film benefits immensely from great cinematography by Dean Cundey.

5/10. By no means a 'classic', but worth hunting down if you're a fan of bigfoot features.
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