Lasse Steen Jensen in Danish music video shines
14 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Lasse Steen Jensen and Marcus Baunsgaard shine in this coming of age Danish short which highlights homophobia in a very catchy from talented duo Kadie Elder. Both Danish actors will go on to promising careers. Lasse already improves upon his talents in '17's "Vi Er Okay Nu" ( We Are Okay Now) & '18's "Cognitio." Marcus' character has an attraction to Lasse's & upon watching from the sidelines,a homophobic Female instigates a scene off court. The admirer subsequently burns his passport photo of the object of his affection. We are to believe that the very boy leaves the match shortly after, and the rejected youth justifiably is apprehensive to the advances of his now former object of affection. Yet a sudden change of heart and acknowledgement is not a toying of one's affection, but the start of "it gets easier."
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