A healing stone, parent zoo, and ghost bar.
4 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Episode three once again features three segments. The premiere story "Healer" features a small time thief who manages to steal a ancient Indian artifact witch heals him, he later heals his hood friend from a heart attack, and the two go on the road using the stone as a fake plow to make money. They are warned by an old Indian wise man. Surprisingly good prevails over evil as the story reaches its conclusion. The second "Children's Zoo" has a little girl taking her bickering parents to the title location. You probably already know what happens, its a enjoyable little filler episode. Wes Craven cameos. The third "Kentucky Rye" has an alcoholic businessman driving home drunk one night after celebrating the closing of a big deal with his co-workers, he and another car swerve off the road, he finds himself in a bar named from the title. Everything seems fine at first, as the owner even sells the bar to him for a cheap price, then things start to get real strange. No doubt the best of the three stories, there's a strong message here, witch makes the ending highly enjoyable. Overall good episode.
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