Containment (I) (2015)
A story of incompetence
6 December 2018
Any movie should allow for suspension of disbelief. This one doesn't. It's not so much that this movie is unbelievable, it's that there's no world in which actual human beings would react like this during a crisis.

As it happens, I have some knowledge about epidemics and how governments tend to treat them. My wife once contracted SARS, and thus had to be quarantined. At every step of the process, it was communicated what was happening and why it was happening.

If we are to believe this movie, no one in the government has ever dealt with a health crisis before, and has even less ability to communicate with its citizens. Everything they do is a Mr. Magoo level of incompetence. Clearly, no one knows what they're doing. The whole containment is strategy is demented.

Now considering the people being contained, if you're lucid and need to be cured of an illness, wouldn't you somehow try to make peace with the people who can make it happen? Even if doctors have terrible bedside manners, most people tend to listen to them.

This isn't me quibbling over plots. Suspending your disbelief with this movie is like believing a hospital of sick people would riot because doctors can't be trusted.

But the reason I'm rating this film one star is because it fails to answer almost every question about why everything in this film happens. Why has the government suddenly become a bunch of sadists? Who are these apartment dwellers, and why do they lack all common sense? What's even going on with that ending?

Every movie must have some sort of logic, even schlocky B movies with no budget. This movie spites all logic.
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