Review of Taken

Taken (2017–2018)
8 for the first season but 2 for second
9 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the first season. The frustration and obsession you could see as he longed to avenge his sister's murder were well delivered. Seeing his character learn to trust and become part of the team was also a nicely done. The different characters in the team really made it better. Each with tyeivown personality. It had a Homeland, Blacklist feel to it and I was hooked. ASHA his gf was stunning also so that helped. 😉 Then.......... The second season. What the hell?? Changed the entire feel. Dropped the team. Big mistake. The first episode was enjoyable by then it just plodded alone until I couldn't watch anymore. I missed the team. ASHA was just dropped like a hobbrick with a one minute dialogue .... I would have been better to have her die and give the main character more drive and focus than to just write her of like that. Cop out.

Rebooting the show......why? If it's no broken.......why fix?

It's a mistake we all felt an they must be kick
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