A low budget film with an effective story but one that may displease those who give more importance to the technical details and the visual.
30 December 2018
Maia the Bee is one of those characters that the overwhelming majority of people do not remember anymore. In my earliest childhood I still remember her but, for the new generations, drenched in Japanese cartoons with weird eyes like "Dragonball", "Pokemon" and others, it's like talking about Stone Age things.

I will not talk about the script. It's so simple that I'm afraid to end up revealing too much. What I can say is that the story is good, has its pretty side and will please the little ones a lot. I was afraid that it would be a movie so much for the younger that it would displease me, that I am no longer a child... but my fear proved to be unfounded. I liked the movie. It's full of clichés about finding your own place in the world, but that does not stop us from enjoying the movie for what it is: a children's movie.

Problems? The first is the danger of comparisons. It's a relatively low budget film, so it will always lose out compared to similar movies (and we can list many if we think about it) already made by US multi-million dollar studios. The CGI is much more humble, with no desire to appear real and the visuals can really displease those who value the graphic and visual part of the animation; everything is simpler, but it works quite well and, as I value the good quality of the script more than the technical issues, I accepted well the poor CGI used. Another problem with this film is its excessively fast pace. You do not have time to be afraid for that little bee, that is suddenly exposed to the dangers of the world outside the hive... everything happens very quickly and before you realize that she's in danger already she was able to overcome it.

Despite the weaknesses, such as the visual and the speed at which everything happens, this is a kid-friendly movie that is easy to swallow for adults.
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