Moderately interesting screwball comedy, with Marion Davies and Robert Montgomery
6 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A Warner situation comedy , starring Marion Davies, in her last film role, as the gorgeous blond secretary Marge Winton, who gets too much attention from bosses who want her to moonlight with them. At one company, she had 3 bosses ask her to moonlight the same evening. She quit that day, and saw to it that her replacement was an old crow. Another trip to the employment agency yielded a request for a homely secretary. She went shopping for items to make her look homely: a short -shorn brunet wig, glasses, and a loose-fitting dress. Arriving at the publishing company, the owner: Abby Bellden decides she will be perfect for a handsome, but flighty, bachelor author: Freddy Mathews(Robert Montgomery), who is behind on his next book, contracted to be finished by a certain date. She helps him catch up, but one day his shrewish society girlfriend, ( Marcia Ralston, as Camille) arrives, wanting to know why Freddy hasn't answered her phone calls. Marge has not been relaying them, to keep Freddy's mind on his work. The 2 women have a falling out, and Marge quits. But Freddy finds he can't read her hand-written notes. So, he goes to her apartment. Marge has changed into her glamourous self, which is what he sees when she opens the door. Thinking quickly, she claims she's Marge's roommate Sadie,( Patsy Kelly as Sadie, is her roommate but isn't then in). Freddy is impressed, and asks her to dinner. She tells him that Marge left town already, and was going to a certain hotel. Freddy hurries to get to that hotel, telling Camille to meet him there. Margie, as Sadie, follows him there. Once there, she finishes writing his book before seeing him. Freddy takes a room next to Marge's, and sneaks out on the balcony, as he has a suspicion that Sadie and Marge are same person. He confirms this as he sees Margie transform into Sadie. Later, he confronts her as Sadie, as well as Camille. The latter gets very jealous, and says she is quitting her relationship with Freddy, and walks out. Marge, as Sadie, and Freddy discuss marriage.......... I don't know why she would be interested in this lazy bum!
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