The X-Files: Rm9sbG93ZXJz (2018)
Season 11, Episode 7
"Help me, help you."
6 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When this episode opened, I felt the premise was pretty good, but then I thought, how can they keep this going for an entire hour? And they did it! Unbelievably, Scully and Mulder become trapped in a technological Brave New World that's obsessed with parting them from their money and expecting rave reviews for it. Who hasn't been there by this point in time, dealing with unacceptable passwords, plastic cards that don't work, and riding the circular merry-go-round when trying to voice a complaint by phone. I was pretty sure Mulder would cave on the insistence for a tip at the Forowa Sushi House; with all that had gone before, there was no way to imagine what to expect if he didn't punch in a gratuity. It's so maddening when something like this happens to you, and you find yourself helpless without a human voice to relate to. A personal best is when you try to log onto IMDb from a non-regular desktop, and you have to decipher the correct letters from the set of hieroglyphics you're presented with that come up on screen. The only real disconnect this episode had with reality was that there was no one else around in all of Washington, DC to share in Scully and Mulder's plight. It's not like they were in the sticks, they had left Mud Lick, Kentucky just about a week earlier.
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